Natural, Fabulous, Silly, Loving, Caring, Ambitious, Shopaholic...Me...

marilyn monroe quotes

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Natural Make Up...Obsession?

My friends know how much I loooooove playing in make up and often ask me to do there make up when we're getting fancy BUT... Last weekend, which was Homecoming weekend, a good friend of mine who also LOVES make up said "You always go for a natural look". I've never really paid it any attention so yesterday I was looking over some of my photos and realized I may have a secret obsession with this natural look. I even found myself doing it this morning. I typically use the same shades of eye shadow or add some sparkles or lighter highlighter to my brow area but it's still a natural look. Even my lips are pretty much neutral looking... Am I the only one that lean towards this trickery or do you guys go for a different look? I think I'm going to start experimenting more with the looks though...