Natural, Fabulous, Silly, Loving, Caring, Ambitious, Shopaholic...Me...

marilyn monroe quotes

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Having HOPE throughout your TROUBLES

WOW! I haven't been on here in a while! I promised myself I am going to devote more time to my writing, youtube videos, and religion. I don't really do New Years resolutions but if I did, those would definitely be the top three on my list...

I stopped by today though because I wanted to share a story with you all because it really inspired me today. I went to church and had the honor of hearing my friend preach for the first time in about 2 years or so. I have been having some troubles and to my surprise his message was about having hope in the midst of your troubles. I knew when he spoke those words, God was using him to speak to me. He continued on to talk about how he praise God for his troubles, pain, and tears because it makes him appreciate the happy times. How when you are having your trouble moments, don't give up because you feel there isn't a way out and people who said they would ride or die and claim they love you, leave you. Remember God will never leave you and will make a way. Of course, in my mind I knew all of these things but to hear the message directed about something that's been having wear and tear on me was reassurance that everything will be ok. So if there is anyone reading this that feels like there is no way out and you are going through your troubled time, talk to the Lord or whomever your high power is and NEVER lose hope and faith. Continue to hold on and even though the blessing doesn't come exactly when you want it, remember it is coming when the time is right. Mary Mary said it best "I just can't give up now, come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me the road would be easy and I don't believe he's brought me this far to leave me."

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