Natural, Fabulous, Silly, Loving, Caring, Ambitious, Shopaholic...Me...

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Friday, May 20, 2011

To Pre-Poo or not Pre-Poo???

For the past couple of months I've been doing research on this whole pre-pooing theory. I had a few hours free on Sunday and decided to give it a try. Then it hit me... I couldn't find the recipe I had and wasn't sure if I had all the ingredients I needed so I searched online for some simple yet beneficial recipes. After about 15 minutes of searching I came to the conclusion that all you really need is some moisturizing conditioner, EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), and an egg if you want to add some extra protein, some sort of hair milk for extra moisture, honey, or oils. The only things I had laying around were EVOO, Herbal Essences Colored Treated Conditioner, and Carol Daughter's Hair Milk.
I totally do not like sitting under hair dryers as if you can't tell by my face lol!  
I put the conditioner on first, EVOO next, hair milk last, put a plastic bag on my head, and sat under the hair dryer for 20 minutes. My hair felt really soft and moisturized afterwards but the real conclusion would come from the aftermath of styling. SO I washed and detangled my hair as normal. I put a few loose twists in the front with 2 strand twists in the back.

My hair feels soft and healthy as it usually does so I can't really say if the pre-poo process is needed for sure. It was my first time trying it as I said so maybe I'll have to do it a time or two to see if it's truly beneficial for me personally. You know sort of like deep conditioners... you know in the long run they're healthy but you don't necessarily know how beneficial they'll be on the day you do it? I do know next time I am going to use EVOO, conditioner, an egg, and honey...oh and maybe an extra oil if I have some laying around. I keep you guys updated on that though....

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