Natural, Fabulous, Silly, Loving, Caring, Ambitious, Shopaholic...Me...

marilyn monroe quotes

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Today I was going to blog about my latest foods extravaganzas but while doing some reading on my newly FAV website,, I ran across this amazing poem that I decided to share instead.... Actually I probably will talk about my food extravaganzas a little later because I had such an amazing experience! Anywho here's the poem...

What Every Person Needs ...

by Silvia Hartmann

What Every Person Needs ...

What we all need as human beings

is really,  just

one single person

to be absolutely on our side.


Someone who has faith in us,

someone to really love us as we are,

no questions asked,

without reservations

or judgements of any kind;


Just a single person

who will always be there

to help us, protect us;


To inspire us, applaud us 

when we have succeeded in something,

no matter how insignificant 

it may seem to an outsider; 


Someone who will encourage us 

to strive towards

the best we can possibly be, 

and always, always cheer us on; 


Someone who cannot ever be tempted away

by youth, beauty, money, bribes 

and will always choose us, 

every day, each moment afresh;

someone to stand by us

when everything falls apart, 

who will love us no matter what;


Someone who will never let us down, 

never give up on us,

never leave us 

and who will always, always 

be fiercely and actively loving of us 

in every way, every day, 

until we take our last breath in physicality.


Well, that person is here. 


It is you. 


And now, finally, we can start

on the road to be that person 

we always knew we should have been -

with a little help from our self, 

our endlessly loving totality ~❤

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