Natural, Fabulous, Silly, Loving, Caring, Ambitious, Shopaholic...Me...

marilyn monroe quotes

Monday, January 31, 2011

Moment 4 Life

I wish that I could have this moment for LIFE
cause in this moment I just feel so ALIVE...
Saturday I decided to go out with 3 of my homegirls and I must say I had a GREAT time!! I love simple, funfilled times like these. I dance and laughed the night away. Not only did I laugh at my hilarious friends, I laughed at myself...alot. You know like the laughs that come from a good healthy spot from within and makes your stomach hurt? After a crazy working week I'm so glad I had an awesome time :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Vlogger Contest Support!

I checked my youtube subscriptions today and one of my fav curlies is entering in a Vlogger contest. She's really nice, her hair is gorgeous, and she has some of the best hair tips so her check out her YouTube video and if you like it post it on your blogs as well!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The HORRIFIC Headache

So this morning I did my usual routine of waking up late, playing in my hair, realizing I only had 20 minutes to put my clothes on, putting on my outfit, realizing I didn't like it, starring the closet, wishing the emails would stop coming to my phone and interrupting my fashion thoughts, rambling through outfits, and then to find the perfect outfit, realizing I've taken longer than 20 minutes and have to make lunch in a hurry, throwing an accessory in my hair *important factor for today*, rushing downstairs to make breakfast and lunch and coffee, and heading out the door. It never fails that my mornings will work out in this order or very think I would just get up earlier buuuuut I'm not a morning person at all and getting out of bed before 6:40 is one of my hardest fights of life. Anywho, so I'm eating my cereal in the car when my jaw feel like it's locking up and my head starts pounding. My immediate thoughts were I was begaining to be super stressed about being late for work so I took a few deep meditating breaths. Needless to say it didn't help. So I gave up on eating and tried to drink my! So after 2 hours of being at work, I had an "AH-HA" moment! You know like the light bulb comes over your head, the world stops spinning, and you stand with your finger in the air and say "AH-HA or I GOT IT!" or something random of that sort. It was the hair accessory!! From my previous pictures you can see my head isn't the smallest... and the cute leopard print headband I decided to wear was squeezing my brain a little too much for it's liking and caused me sooooo much misery this morning! Once I took it off, I immediately felt relieved. I'm sort of sad b/c I have the print in my hair from it (the headband) and feel naked without an hair accessory but the headache is so not worth it. Well my next student is arriving, gotta go... *love, peace, and hair grease HA!*

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This post was supposed to get posted months ago and while setting up my mobile blogging I found it in my phone's archive... technology can be so weird 0_o But below is the post of my delish homemade pizza that I cook like aaaaaaaaalll the time now. I even switched up the recipe a bit :)

9/24/2010 @8:55 PM
Homemade turkey pepperoni pizza and sweet potato chips. It was super delish, thanks Shelby!!!

Just One of Those Days...

... That a girl goes through. When I'm angry iiiiinnnnssssiiiiidddeee... Monica was speaking the truth when she wrote those words! For the past two days I have not wanted to get up at 6:30 and come to work but yesterday I was busy all day so I was ok. But today! NOT TODAY! I have been at work for about 7 hours and I have been super irritated and annoyed. Like my guy friend comes by my office thousands of times throughout the day but TODAY I was ready to politely get up and choke him. My boss usually have many assignments for me to do but she didn't have much today but every time she called my name TODAY I wanted to scream. Everytime I recieved a text I was ready to throw my phone off my desk. I can't believe I feel so irritated. Maybe I need some me time or something. Any of you ever feel like this? I guess I'm truly just having "One of those days"...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Openminded-ness Perhaps?

Like yesterday, today was a kinda hectic day at work as well but I like the busy feeling :) I took a break and randomly decided to check my horoscope. I usually don't believe in stuff like that but for some reason I read it and found it to be an attention grabber. It read..."You have more insight than you realize. Use it to make the right decisions today.You've got creative power to burn today. It's a really good time for you to dream up something new for you to do with your life, or to focus on smaller issues that you think need work." It was funny to me because I kept saying all day how I should give myself a pedicure and do some funky artwork on my big toes. I really feel motivated now thanks to my horoscope. So maybe horoscopes aren't so bad and may even get added to my weekly reading list...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1st Day of Work :-/

Today marked a very important day/moment of my life. I would usually be going to class and my workstudy job and hanging with campus friends. BUT NOT TODAY! Today I woke up feeling excited because I was not a college student anymore... I'm a working woman... WAIT, reeeeewind! I was offered a job in the athletic academic department for the university I used to attend and until I figure out which nursing school I'm going to I desperately needed a job! Ok, now fast forward. I woke up excited about my new job. Once I got to work I was filled with tasks to do which was another adrenaline rush and I was still excited! Then came the moment when I realized that I will not be getting a refund check tomorrow, won't be attending classes, have to pay for my campus gym membership, and can't sneak from work to hang with my friends. It was a bittersweet moment but feel my job was a true blessing :) but it's weird. Whomever said "transitioning from college into the real world was a simple task", lied! Well I have to go, hope you all have a happy blessed day *smooches*

Friday, January 14, 2011

If Only It Was That Simple...

Love, dating, and relationships can be so complicated at times. If only it was so simple that every time your heart was broken, it would have to be paid for :) 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thanking God I'm Natural :)

For the past 2 days I've been off work due to the snowstorm *can't believe it snowed this much in the South!!* so I decided to catch up on my Natural Hair Care blogging. I ran across the website called TGIN (Thank God I'm Natural) and it's amazing! There's t-shirts, a book, totes, and different youtube videos featured. I'm really thinking about buying the book, have any of you ever read it? I'm also considering 
ordering this shirt------------------> 

I'm not sure if you can see it clear or not but the wording and natural woman has a diamond effect. I think that is super cute. I'll be doing some more web surfing so I'll keep you guys updated on anything else I find *smooches*

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hair, Hair, Hair

Hey guys! So as you know I've been learning how to care for my natural kinks and curls. I can't say it's been an easy journey. Some days I wonder if I'm making the right decision or if I should go back to my perms. Some days I wonder if guys will still find me attractive, will people look at me weird, will people think I'm afrocentric, will black women think I've lost my damn mind for going back to what I was created with? Then I have the days when guys tell me they find it attractive that I can make my short kinks look so sexy/neat, strangers in stores compliment me, and people ask how did I get my hair the way I did. One day I was really discouraged about the new highlights I was trying because the back of my head looked like a rug or tiger striped to me but this Caucasian woman in Macys said, "I'm sorry to stop you but you are so pretty. Your hair is so gorgeous!" That really made my day. I also love stopping and being stopped by other natural women and sharing hair tips! I love exchanging stories about the transitioning phase as well. It's really comforting to know that you're not the only one who feels slightly insecure about having"nappy" hair or rocking your TWA. Anywho enough ranting and raving, I really just wanted to share my transitioning and hair growth journey with you all... 

All my life I had long hair... I was 17 in this picture
I continued to have long hair until I turned 21... This is a pic was taken about a year ago

I loved this hairstyle

Spring Break 2010 in Miami. I cut the sides really low sort of like rihanna

I got the back cut really short and shaved
No sides with a big bang area, loved it!!


This was the easiest hairstyle ever

I kept the back cut up let the top grow

That way of transitioning wasn't working for me cause I couldn't deal with the "nappy" back and permed front so June 2010 I got braids

 At the end of August I took the braids down but still wasn't ready for my BC sooooo...

... I got more braids

November 5th I took the braids down and this was the results lol! 

The next morning I went to the beauty shop for a hydration treatment and color

I put rods on the ends and pinned it up and VIOLA!

I wanted to see my curl pattern so I washed it

The first style I learned how to do

I tried to blow dry it... hated it!

My first braid out

I really liked the braid out

Checking my growth and trying to see my curl pattern

4th day of my braid out, I had the wild look going lol

Half braid out w/a beanie in the back *lazy day style*
Another look...

After a rainy cold day in Chicago 

At this hair Meet N Greet in Chicago, it was an amazing experience!

Me and Ms. Vaughn, she's awesome
Freshly done braid out

Headed to the club w/my bestie in Chicago

After meeting all those lovely natural women in Chicago, I came back to school and BC'ed immediately! 

Look at me go...

 I was actually shocked at what I was doing!

The aftermath of it all... bye bye permed hair!

I was afraid to show off my little hair so I braided the front and wore a beanie for like a week

One day I got bold enough to wear it curly

The infamous braid out never fails me :)

LOL! One of my bestfriends and I playing around at the mall

AND here I am today, 100% natural. I did a twist out that came out wild and funky, perfect!